#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; } it's a long journey

it's a long journey

Monday, January 12, 2009
I got this from my friend Grandma Rosy

I live: in .. Muar
I work: at college
I talk: oooo!!! i'm talkative? no. i don't think so. not talking too much.. wakakkakaka
I wish: keamanan di palestin.
I enjoy: every day, because it really could be my last
I look forward to: seeing all my friends back just once, its been too long (uuuu when reunion guys?)
I smell: baby lotion
I listen: to everyone.
I hide: my emotions sometimes (I am trying to rectify that)
I pray: that someday, the world will be as full of love as it now is full of hate
I walk: a lot.. especially when doing a window shopping with Wana, Aiza and FAO.( lol! FAO selalu serik when going out with us cause dia selalu rasa penat bila jalan dengan kita orang)
I write: short stories (but always it turns out into membebel... bla bla bla)
I see: a silver lining beneath every cloud
I sing: all the time, when I hear the right music
I laugh: to become younger.. (really? isn't it i need to smile)
I can: Do anything that I really set my mind to (power of the mind)
I watch: my favourite tv programme. Mars vs Venus.. lol!
I yearn: for a love in my life (kak ani! bila nak jumpa a guy macam watak utama dalam citer Troy nih!)
I daydream: about finding that love in my life (hahaha)
I fall: but I will not fail
I want: to travel more.. to korea, beijing, japan and Jakarta.. also Bali.. huwaaaa!! i can't go with you guys!)
I cry: at parades, weddings, movies, funerals, and anything else that is the least beat dramatic
I destroy: nothing
I read: semua novel romantik.. he he .. uuuu! i like!
I sometimes: Get lonely, even in a crowd
I touch: So many lives, and I hope in a positive way
I hurt: when I see people being abused in anyway
I fear: kalau tinggal sorang diri kat umah besar. isk macam2 leh aku imagine.
I hope: For a better future for all
I break: nothing on purpose
I eat: the wrong kinds of snacks
I shower: with the water steaming hot
I drink: too much cafein ..
I stop: only when I want to
I save: cards.. (byk kenangan ni seh! cuma kisah cinta lama jer yg dah buang. tak muat tempat)
I hug: my teddy bear.. ha ha.. (hadiah kak ani! miss u so much arr kak ani.)
I miss: my family being closer together
I argue: about politics (terutama kat jabatan aku ni)
I hold: all my friends and family close to my heart
I forgive: everyone (because when you don't you only hurt yourself)
I count: every day as a blessing
I drive: my family crazy
I learned: a lot in my lifetime
I dream: of a better tomorrow for my life
I have: everything that I need to be happy
I dont: like to go to McD at Jusco Ayer Keroh
I made: a lot of friends in my lifetime
I believe: to someone that only have trust in me.
I wait: for a new day to dawn
I need: nothing (want........), mmm my soulmate!! (where is he?)
I wont: Stay where I AM not needed or wanted
I feel: happy for being me.
I last borrowed: hmmmmmmmm, I don't remember..... mmm novel kot dengan jiran aku.
I know: yang impian aku akan tercapai satu hari nanti.
I wonder: naper ekkk.. kita cannot be born old and get younger (that way we would be full of wisdom when we think we know it all)
I applaud: People who are honest, and tell things as they are
I love: keluarga aku.. dan kehidupan aku sekarang.

Posted by wsuzana at 2:40 AM |


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