#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; } it's a long journey

it's a long journey

Monday, January 5, 2009
just read this things at one of my friend's blog... she's rite about this..

Global warming causing increasing population of bitches…!

Life… bitter sweet life…

Well, i may just sit here and start listing all the things i can complain about life. And emo people will keep telling us how much their life sucks. But i’m taking those details just so i can feel that my life is awesome compared to most people. For one, i have an awesome family ... Life may be bitter some times… but i’m human enough to face it. Besides… i read somewhere that life is a bitch because if it was a slut, it would be easy… ha ha ha ha… it’s cynical but true. And i live everyday only to see the sun still shining brightly as if the previous day had always been a good one.

*****************************.... end here....**************************************

As for the increasing population of bitches, i decided to ... not care anymore (i am too tired about this!!). They tried pulling me down once and they will keep trying.. (until... who knows? i think until they're tired enough to stop ... by themselves). But i still live my life a great one because i just don't care about the judgmental, ancient minds of the people who look into the mirror and see mother Theresa while in reality they are wild, coyotes ready to claw on the next prey. And I am sick and tired of hypocrites (sp?) judging others without caring to judge themselves before that (please.. aahhh... look at the mirror first before seeing someone else!!) . Today you criticized these people, the next day you befriend with them, and the next month... you become like them. Sometimes i juz wish that i can tell them to act their age…for all the childish things (which is NOT young) but now i don’t care .. and i don't want to. (Because .. no matter how hard they try, i will always be the Suzana ... and my family's love, and i sleep soundly at night because i stopped caring about others who don't matter…)

It’s just so funny seeing how ridiculous people look when they try to hurt you and end up looking worse than andre-3000 in the Hey ya music video. Even clowns look more appealing than them. Especially when you’re slighty thinner than an elephant and has teeth like Rafiki (Refer Disney Characters). So, to be bad, make sure you’re pretty enough because i’ll only laugh at the attempt and enjoy my life even more. I don't usually judge people but if you go too far, i won’t hesitate to put you back in your place.

When it comes to friends, i choose Quality over Quantity because it’s better to have a few people you love to laugh and cry with ... than a hundred people who only looks at you to sharpen their analyzing and judging skills…

you know who you are. Thank you…

i need the air.. and... i'm sick about all of this... everyday... i had to face it.. i had to hear it... and it's really hurting me... yeap... maybe i am not a good person.. like you and others.. but .. hello... this is me.. and myself.. i think i tried harder to change myself become someone stranger... . and i failed... i can't do it anymore... i juz can be me.. it's myself.. this is me.. i am sorry if some people can't accept me coz .. i'm not hypocrite.. this is me... Suzana!!

i know they can't accept about all the things came up suddenly between me and him years ago.. but.. don't they ever think about me? my feelings? he's the one who dumped me... for another girl.. (that's the fact!) but why they put all the blames on me? and puh...lease stop! calling me betina.. cause i'm not proud of it at all. at first .. i think yeah.. i'm jerk and i'm a bitch! but when i think it twice.. hey!!! i am not! i am not the bitch!! juz let me go..

Posted by wsuzana at 7:37 PM |


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