ha ha.. it's me and my beloved mom... i love you mom.. missed u very much... !!!
to my dad... be strong.. and we can face it..abah... together...
to my sister ... thanks kerana sentiasa memahami... dan sentiasa jadi penguat semangat ... luv u my dear sis.. . i wish all the happiness... to you and your husband... abang kashah..
to kak nor... and all cousins... thanks for the helps when i'm still lost.. and can't do anything... u're still here and be here with us... thanks a lot for all the helps... and believe me .. i'm and my sis.. appreciate for everything that u've done for us and dad... thanks!!!
to my nieces and nephews... please.. huh.. don't be so naughty.. i luv all of u very much.. especially uda and angah... please.. don't play2 huh.. he he... jangan main dengan api. jaga mata dan hati.. ingat ur mom and dad... kat kampung sentiasa menantikan kejayaan both of you. kat tempat praktikal pun jangan nakal shangat. tak larat acik nak turun sana settlekan...
untuk kawan2 tersayang... ras, mai... jurek... aiza.. ada... wana... aida, jj..(not jaya jusco.. lol) kak iza.., fizah..., kak baya dan ramai lagi (sorry.. tak sempat nak tulis kat sini...) thanks sebab sentiasa ada di sisi... dan sentiasa memahami aku.. serta sentiasa bersabar dengan keadaan aku yg tak berapa stabil beberapa hari itu..
apa pun... here is the list... about azam tahun baru... 2009!!!
* realisasikan azam tahun 2008.. yang mana realisasikan azam tahun 2007... 2006...2005...
(waahh.. such a lot of things to do.. )
got to go now... i think.. i will continue it later... about the list..